Doug Lane
Head Coach and Owner
"I hold all of my coaches to the highest standards in terms of credentials, certifications, staying attuned to the latest research and exercise science, practicing what they preach, and adhering to our exclusive methods of personal training."
Some of Doug's credentials include:
Starting Strength Coach - formerly traveled with Coach Mark Rippetoe around the nation to teach technical aspects of the patented "Starting Strength" concepts at multiple gyms in Nebraska, New York City, and Florida.
Trained internationally at multiple gyms: Sittsongpeenong, Rau 67, Thai Olympic Training Center, PK Saenchai-Tokyo, Japan, Guatemalan Olympic Training Center - Guatemala City, USA Olympic Training Center - Colorado Springs, CO
Certified Coaches in CrossFit methods -- Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC), CrossFit East (Jacksonville)
USA Weightlifting Certifications and Newton Sports Clinics in Weightlifting
National Strength and Conditioning Association - Certified Conditioning and Strength Specialist - Since 2010
Nationally Certified Personal Trainer - since 1996 with ACE, IDEA, USA Track and Field, USA Weightlifting, CrossFit, and Starting Strength
Trained internationally....with... this is ok to leave here
Certified potential Coaches in CrossFit methods.... ok to leave here, as well as Certified in CrossFit methods of: Olympic Style Lifting, Metabolic Conditioning, Striking, Basic Barbell, Gymnastics, Nutrition
USA Weightlifting National Coach and Instructor in addition to Newton Sports Instructional Coach

Nationally Certified by either: NSCA - National Strength and Conditioning Association, ACE (American Council on Exercise) or NASM (National Academy of Sports Medicine)
We are CURRENT and not expired with all our trainers certifications - a rigorous task for all trainers
We practice what we preach - each Coach works out themselves between 3-6 times each week. We are committed.
We attend National Conventions within certifying bodies like; NSCA National Convention, Perform Better National 3 Day Summits, as well as online study
We professionally dress the part. We want our clients to be proud of their investment in their training and we want to live up to their expectations.